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Jarrol NAM Seeks Enlightenment on Jammeh’s Exit  

By: Binta Jaiteh

The NAM for Foni Jarrol constituency, Kebba Tumanding Sanneh, has inquired from the minister of justice Dawda Jallow as to whether the former President Yahya Jammeh had signed any agreement with President Adama Barrow, ECOWAS, UN and AU before his flight to Equatorial Guinea.

In his response, AG Jallow said the government “is aware” of a joint declaration issued on 21 January 2017, by ECOWAS, AU and UN on the political situation of The Gambia.

“The government is not aware of any agreement entered into by coalition 2016 and the former President Jammeh,” replied the minister.

“I already have the printout from ECOWAS website, which is dated 26 January 2017, [about] the joint declaration by the ECOWAS, AU and UN on the political situation of the country. Can you explain why you said there is no agreement made?” Sanneh fired back.

However, Minister Jallow tried to clarify that the document Sanneh was referring to was a joint declaration not an agreement, explaining that a declaration is different from an agreement.

Foni Kansala NAM Almamy Gibba said the eighth point of the declaration outlined the protection of Jammeh’s assets, family and supporters. Gibba then asked the justice minister as to whether that component of the agreement was fulfilled but his question was overruled by the deputy House speaker Seedy Njie. When Foni Bondali lawmaker Pa Dembo Sanneh inquired as to whether the declaration was respected by both parties involved, Minister Jallow replied that The Gambia was not a party to the declaration and that he could not tell.

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